Kozak Plateau Terrain area is located 700-800 meters above sea level. Some areas show detailed contours and have part of rocky features. Some large rocky areas make navigation difficult. There are some forest roads and paths cross the terrain. Vegetation is a pine forest consisting of pine nuts and pine trees. Some areas have a lot of crossable hedge and fence. Runability and Visibility is mostly good to perfect.
You can view map samples and photos of the forest from here
Bergama City Center terrain is located 70-120 meters above sea level. The city, which is in the shadow of the ancient city of Pergamon, is a place where there is an old settlement and distorted urbanization and a stream passes through. The city environment in an hilly and flat terrain. There are a lot of narrow roads. Mainly city environment with buildings, stairs and some parks. Mostly residential area with many narrow and non-parallel roads.
You can view map samples and photos of the sprint from here
Entering the embargoed area is prohibited for anyone who has the potential to participate in the SEE(M)OC competition. Athletes, officials and teams seen to violate the emborgoed area will be disqualified.